Week #1 – Thursday Meditation; Zoom Call; Kitchen Project

Week #1: Meditation with Lani (2h:32m):

Option #1

Option #2:
For Macs with the Safari browser;


Option #3:
For PCs and Android Devices using Quicktime Player 7: 


Zoom Call #1 – Kitchen Video

Principles of Living in God-Consciousness

There are some principles of God-Consciousness that you can apply to all aspects of your life and the environment in which you live. As you go through this course, we will repeat these principles so that you can see how they apply to each area.

Kitchen Consciousness

You will be able to see how easily we can apply the principles of God-Consciousness to something as seemingly mundane as our kitchens. Remember as you go through this experience: the changes you make in devotion to God will changes you both materially and spiritually.

Refrigerator Video