Video 4 (0:14:23)

Project Time (14:23)

With everyone in their Center of The Golden One Jerseys, we all worked on a project at the Center (or community area) — debriefing storage, throwing out old things, cleaning, organizing — in every area of the Center. It was an incredible time of being in the “we, we, we” of moving together, caring for and loving the Center Building. In a slideshow during Day 4 you will see some of the project time that took place at the Denver Center.

As you will hear when you see The Lady on video during Day 4, she asks us all to get ourselves out on the internet. So for your project time, we suggest that you spend some hours in one or more of the following activities:

• Go to the Center of The Golden One website and email friends or post on Facebook the information about upcoming meditation classes and public meditations.

• Join the Facebook page “True Realm of Existence” and invite your friends to join. Comment on or copy quotes and distribute them in social media.

• If you’re a member of “Road to Freedom”, go to that Facebook page and copy quotes to send to friends.

• Email or text a meditation flyer to friends from your computer or phone.

• ​Download free materials from the online store and send them to your friends.

Then when you are done with your project time (about an hour) watch the video below for an “after project time” sharing that includes a surprise call from Australia!