Welcome and Introduction – Start Here

Welcome to the Advanced Intensive September 2016!

This Advanced Intensive consists of 4 days, each led by one of 4 leaders (Vince, Juan, Daniel, and Shar) and each leader delivering a different topic (to which you will be introduced on the next pages). All of the days are about how to do the work of getting freer and freer from illusion and closer and closer to God with the help of teachings from the founders: Gourasana, Kalindi and The Lady.

You can do all four days together, or you can do one day at a time, as each day is like a complete event in itself. Plan how you want to participate in this Advanced Intensive now. Although this online course is completely set up for you to do by yourself, you may want to do this course together with a buddy or with a group of people. This would give you support all the way through, and after the course you could continue to get and give support to make the transformational changes you will inevitably want to make in your life.

  1. Schedule your course.
    Locate the sections, and their modules, listed on the left side of this page, one for each day of the Advanced Intensive. Click on “Modules” for each day to expand out all the modules for that day, including the topic and the length of the video for each module. It is recommended that you schedule either 4 full days or 8 half-days to view the videos to do this course, as most days have two main topics. It is not recommended that you do any less than half a day at a time, so that you get the full benefit of each topic. Looking at the list, you will see the topics and be able to schedule your course timeline accordingly.
    If you can, watch each video without interruption. (You can take breaks between the videos for snacks, etc.) Watch the videos in the sequence they are numbered, within each day.
  2. Gather the items you will need for this course; refer to the next module which lists these items.
  3. There will also be some handouts that you will be asked to download on different days. These will usually be found in the “Materials” tab, located at the top of that particular page.
  4. When you are ready to begin, go to Day One and watch the videos in their sequential order.
    When there is a round of sharing or other group activity, you will be told what to do on the page in the video description.
  5. At any time during this course, you can send us any questions or comments you have to: thecollege@miracle.org.

(Note: Please remember that in order to participate in this online course, you first had to register, complete an application, and have your application screened and approved in order to participate – similar to the process when you actually attend an event. We are counting on you to respect this registration and application process by not sharing this course with others who have not registered or paid for it. Thank you for your assistance with this.)