How calm are you? (Week Three and Four)

​Remember that when you focus and practice one Part of the GMP, that will be helping you strengthen all four Parts.

Part Two, Calming
You must always stay calm. Calm mind, calm body, calm manner.
The Lord is in control. You just need to stay calm and observe what is happening.

Practicing Part Two of the GMP
About calming the mind: Do not allow any thought to settle in your mind. Keep a constant flow of thoughts, don’t give it energy; don’t think about it.
From Gourasana (from Notes taken by Blaise, his caregiver)

About using the RE’s and the RE Book
“Remember to write down a phrase or a few key words so that you can remember something at a later time, even if that means two hours from now. If you learn to write it down you will have 1,000 times more success in your life. That is how you can be successful, with no chaos or urgency in your life.”

Kalindi, Instructions about how to use the RE list

The homework in preparation for the Retreat was to journal on a daily basis and contemplate about calm, as is described below:
We suggest that you continue doing this simple exercise during the next two weeks throughout the day. If you participated in the Retreat, your perspective on calm may have changed; and if you didn’t this is a valuable practice to keep you focused on calm throughout the day and you can see how calm or not calm you really are. Either way, this practice will help your awareness grow and can lead you to actions that will help you be more calm in your life.

  1. Define what is “calm” for you?
  2. How do you feel when you are calm?
  3. Throughout the day, observe yourself regularly and evaluate your level of calm. Take a small notebook with you and evaluate on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the most calm and 10 being the least calm.
  4. At night journal about how being calm or not affected your day.
  5. Observe how your awareness changes throughout this practice.